Technology 101 for Missionaries – Part 2
Click here to read part 1. Vonage We no longer use this service, but it was great for a long time. Vonage allows you to have a virtual number that people can call. We had a US number that our
Partnering with Local Churches to Train and Send Missionaries Worldwide
Click here to read part 1. Vonage We no longer use this service, but it was great for a long time. Vonage allows you to have a virtual number that people can call. We had a US number that our
When I started out as a missionary, I began a process of learning and growing that will no doubt continue to the day I die. One area about which I had alot to learn was in the realm of technology.
Dear Pastors & Praying Friends, Baptism Service: We started off the month of November with a baptism service. After doing Bible studies with Lee for about a year, he made a profession of faith, got baptized and joined the church
Today, the eyes of the world are on North Korea with the passing of their leader Kim Jong Il. My heart broke as I watched a slideshow of pictures of the North Koreans mourning over their leaders death, knowing that
I thought this was a very good parable that reminds that what people need is the Word of God and that what preachers need to do is preach the word. Behold, a cook went forth to cook. And as he
Last week, we had the opportunity to travel down to Dublin for a few days. While there, we stayed in Dublin city center. I was very burdened with the need there in Dublin. Dublin is a city of nearly 2
Last night, we finished the eleventh week of our Bible institute and the first semester. We have had several students come to the institute in the last three months, and I think that it was a very profitable time. We
Today is Sam Quinn’s birthday. Sam has been helping us here in the ministry for the last 18 months. He has been a huge blessing and help. He has really proven himself in the ministry. He is a gifted teacher,
We had a great time at our first men’s conference hosted at our church on this past Friday and Saturday. The conference started on Friday night with a steak dinner. We had two messages from Bro. Jerome Pittman on Friday
On Friday morning, Grant and I left Derry for Belfast. We flew from Belfast to Newcastle, England. Alan Campbell, a Bible college student and good friend of ours, collected us from the airport. After spending some time in Halgarth Mission