Wisdom with Words – Prov 10
Proverbs 10 illustrates in many different ways the behaviour of the wise and the foolish. One big area in which we need to live wisely is in regard to our words. What we say reveals what is in our hearts.
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Proverbs 10 illustrates in many different ways the behaviour of the wise and the foolish. One big area in which we need to live wisely is in regard to our words. What we say reveals what is in our hearts.
The appeals of Lady wisdom and the foolish woman are summarised in Proverbs 9. Lady Wisdom carefully builds her house, prepares a feast, and invites all the simple and ignorant to the feast (v.1-5). Those who come to wisdom’s table
Proverbs 7 contains the passionate cry of the strange woman inviting the simple and foolish person to that which seems enjoyable but leads to death. Proverbs 8 is the even more passionate cry of wisdom, personified as a woman, who
In Proverbs 7, Solomon warns his son about getting and keeping wisdom, especially to keep him from the strange woman. He then tells how he saw a simple young man be taken in and destroyed by her, so this chapter
Another area in which all of us need wisdom is in regards to our finances. Solomon addresses this in Proverbs 6:1-11. He deals with two different aspects – 1) how we manage our income (v.1-5) and 2) how we work
Trip to Northern Ireland – April began with a four-day trip to Northern Ireland. Grant and Darci went with me. Darci stayed with family friends, while Grant and I stayed in the new church building. We helped Pastor James and
As Solomon tries to instil wisdom in his son, one big area he addresses is that of sexual sin. Few sins are as attractive and seductive as sexual sin, yet few sins cause as much damage, pain and bitterness as
As a young king, Solomon had the amazing privilege to ask anything of the Lord (1 Kings 3:5-14). With such an open-ended offer before him, Solomon could have asked for riches, long life or victory over his enemies, yet he
What does it mean to be blessed of the Lord and loved by the Lord. If images of prosperity fill your mind, you may be right. Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us that those who honour the Lord with their income will
Wisdom is not something that comes easily or without any effort. It is available for all, but those who want it must really desire it. Notice the language of Prov 3:1-4…receive…hide..incline your ear…apply your heart…cry after knowledge…lift up your voice