Do More Better Book Review
Aren’t you glad we have so many clever tools today to help us get more done quickly? If only that were true! Sometimes, it seems, the more time-saving devices we have, the more we get off track. This year, I wanted to
Partnering with Local Churches to Train and Send Missionaries Worldwide
Aren’t you glad we have so many clever tools today to help us get more done quickly? If only that were true! Sometimes, it seems, the more time-saving devices we have, the more we get off track. This year, I wanted to
Heaven: We had a lovely day at Downham Baptist this past Sunday. There was a new family visiting the church, and we had good attendances in the 10.30am Bible class and small group time. Hannah Neilly’s mum, Averil, spoke in the ladies
The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is widely misunderstood. In this post, we look at what the Bible teaches about who He is and some crucial ways He assists believers in Christ. WHO IS THE SPIRIT? The “third person” of
This was shared this with me and I wanted to pass it on here. It contains some very good foundational principles for Biblical mission work. Carey and his team set forth principles that still guide us today. Here are excerpts from the
A few weeks ago, a man from our church named John and I were out door-knocking together. Behind the first door was a man who had recently become a Christian through online videos. The next was an Orthodox Jewish family
There is no more important study than the study of who Jesus is and what He did. He is central to the Christian faith and without Him, everything in Christianity falls apart. He is actually the main theme of the
In a day and age in which many churches are decreasing services and cancelling Sunday school, Allan Taylor’s book Sunday School in HD is energy boost to the small group ministry. My personal experience with Sunday school began at the
Increased Outreach There has been a collective desire in our church this year to do more outreach. So the last three Sundays afternoon, we have had a good group of volunteers going out. Some have knocked doors and spoken to people
When Jesus came into the world, He chose twelve men to be with Him, to learn from Him, and to carry out His mission in the world. We would presume that He would look for the best, the most educated, skilled,
God as revealed in the Bible is Triune – He is one God made up of three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. This means that all three Persons make up the one God. So it is actually incorrect to say that