Thoughts As We Prepare to Leave for Furlough
When I was nine years old, God first put a desire in my heart to be a missionary. I wanted more than anything else to preach the gospel to the lost. For the last eight years, I have been living
Partnering with Local Churches to Train and Send Missionaries Worldwide
When I was nine years old, God first put a desire in my heart to be a missionary. I wanted more than anything else to preach the gospel to the lost. For the last eight years, I have been living
When Teri and I went on our 10th anniversary get-away, I took Ten Secrets for a Successful Family with me. It had been on my shelf for a while. In the book, Pastor Adrian Rodgers looks at how the ten
This comes from Family to Family by Dr. Jerry Pipes and Victor Lee: Charles Stanley suggests seven ways to pass on your faith: Pass on your faith by sharing basic principles (about money, God’s guidance, and provision, etc.) Pass on
Article by Teri Snode Proverbs 31:10-11, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.” Have you ever
One of the most common statements and disgraceful commentaries of those who work in the ministry is that they are lazy. So many people think that being a pastor, missionary, or full-time Christian worker is an easy, cushy job because
I thought this was a great article by Carey Schmidt. The stories are too numerous to recount—Christian parents totally losing it—dads in fist fights with sons, parents in shouting matches with spouses, mothers hurling curse words and personal slurs at
source Pornography is ripping people lives apart. As parents and Christians, we need to be so careful to guard against temptation and to keep ourselves and our children accountable. 80% BRITISH TEENS VIEW PORNOGRAPHY (Friday Church News Notes, June 18,
I saw this video today and thought it illustrated a very powerful truth. Let me know what you think.
I read the following on Clay Reed’s blog and thought every married couple should read it. Teri and I went on a date last night, and I can verify that dating your mate is a great way to strengthen your
I just read the following article from David Cloud and J. B. Buffington and wanted to pass it on to you, so that you could profit from it: HOW TO LOSE YOUR CHILD BEFORE HE IS FIVE YEARS OLD The