Back into Bondage – Hosea 8
The most significant event in the history of the nation of Israel was their deliverance from Egypt. Over and over again, it is referred to and remembered as a great demonstration of God’s redemptive power. Yet in Hosea 8:13, God says this…
“They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of mine offerings, and eat it; But the Lord accepteth them not; Now will he remember their iniquity, and visit their sins: They shall return to Egypt.”
They were going “back to Egypt” (or the bondage and slavery they experienced in Egypt) as punishment from God for their sin. Interestingly, the things that happened to them were exactly what God said would happen in Deut 28 if they broke His laws.
So, what led to this return to the bondage and slavery of sin? Notice several things…
- They broke their covenant with God and trespassed against God’s law (v.1).
- They professed to know God but they did not love Him or obey Him (v.2-3).
- They did their own thing, setting up the kings and princes and gods they wanted without consulting God (v.4).
- They worshipped other gods, specifically building a calf that they called their God. But God said, “the workman made it; therefore it is not God.” (v.5-6)
- They developed alliances with unbelieving nations like the Assyrians (v.9).
- They went through a form of sacrifice and worship but it was not from the heart (v.11-13).
- They had forgotten their Maker (v.14).
As a result, judgment would come like a swift eagle (v.1). They had sown the wind and now a whirlwind would come (v.7). They would be swallowed up among the Gentiles like a vessel that no one wanted (v.8). Everything they built would be devoured (v.14), and they would go back to being slaves (like Egypt).
What a lesson in the consequences of sin and the chastening of God. God saves and delivers and keeps His promises. But if we rebel against Him and play with sin, it will lead to many destructive consequences and the chastening hand of God.
God never gave up on Israel and God will never give up on His children, but we sure can bring a lot of pain and bondage into our lives when we forsake the Lord and His Word.