Seeking a City to Come – Hebrews 13
‘For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.’ — Hebrews 13:14
Jesus suffered outside of Jerusalem in an unholy place. He became a reproach for us. As His followers, we should be willing to take His reproach upon us as well. Instead of trying to find a continuing city here on this earth, we should be looking for the coming city that Christ will set up when He returns.
These truths follow from much of what has been taught throughout the book of Hebrews. Christ is greater than the Levitical priesthood. Christ suffered once for all and the offerings of bulls and lambs have been fulfilled in Christ. Christ is coming to set up His kingdom and will reward those who faithfully serve Him.
What kind of city are we looking for? Are we putting our hopes in this life or the next? Are we seeking an earthly kingdom or a heavenly one? Let us seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. If we do, all the others things will be added unto us.