Tired of God? – Micah 6
God’s heart was broken by His people. He had loved them, delivered them, redeemed them, and guided them. He had blessed them and protected them. He had done so much for them, yet they turned away from Him. In Micah
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God’s heart was broken by His people. He had loved them, delivered them, redeemed them, and guided them. He had blessed them and protected them. He had done so much for them, yet they turned away from Him. In Micah
Micah 5:2 is an amazing prophecy about the coming of Christ. It tells us that the “ruler of Israel”, the Messiah, will come out of Bethlehem. He is the one “whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.”
Israel went through some dark days, brought on by their sin and law-breaking. But God had a glorious future for them. Micah 4 talks about God’s plan for the last days. The Bible Knowledge Commentary lists eleven characteristics of this
The message of Micah three is directed toward the leaders of Israel, the heads, princes, prophets, and priests. The problem was that they were treating the people very cruelly, like they were animals to be hunted and devoured (v.2-3). All
Micah 1-2 is the first “word of the Lord” to the people of Samaria and Jerusalem. It contains a warning of judgment that is going to come on them because of their sins and going against God’s laws. God tells
If Jonah chapter four wasn’t so sad, the irony in it would be funny. We have an incredible contrast between pouty Jonah and pitiful God. Jonah is very upset (“displeased exceedingly’) because God was so nice. He wanted God to
Jonah was not the most ideal missionary candidate. He was stubborn, racist, ethnocentric, bitter, and lacking compassion. Yet he is the man God chose. Jonah failed to obey when God’s word came to him the first time. He ran. He
Just before passing away in Ravensbrück concentration camp, Corrie Ten Boom’s sister, Betsie said, “There is no pit so deep, that God’s love is not deeper still.” Somehow, in the darkness of that place, God’s love shone through. The same was
There are interesting comparisons between Jonah and Jesus. Both slept in a boat. Both were buried for three days and three nights. Both came back from that burial to preach deliverance. There are also many contrasts. Jesus cared. Jonah didn’t.
For many years, the Edomites (descendants of Esau) had exalted in their lofty position. The geography of their position made it almost impossible for any enemy to invade their land. Instead of cultivating gratitude, these natural blessings fostered pride. They