Running from God – Hosea 7
The nation of Israel was carrying on as if there was no God. They were doing their own thing, living their own life, making their own decisions, and trying to get ahead without any thought for God and His Word.
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The nation of Israel was carrying on as if there was no God. They were doing their own thing, living their own life, making their own decisions, and trying to get ahead without any thought for God and His Word.
We live in a wicked world, surrounded by brokenness, selfishness, pain, violence, and lewdness. Our world is not much different than Israel was during the days of Hosea. Even their goodness was corrupt. It was short-lived, like a morning cloud
Hosea 5 is a very sad chapter that describes the destructive impact of sin on Israel. It shows us what happens when we forsake the Lord and go our own way. v.1 We ensnare ourselves and set a trap for
The sins of the northern kingdom of Israel are revealed in Hosea 4. They were guilty of all sorts of wicked things – swearing, lying, killing, stealing, and adultery. As a result, they would be punished with famine and death.
Hosea’s wife had done the unthinkable. She had become a prostitute, giving herself away to many other men, and, no doubt, breaking her husband’s heart in the process. Now she is in some kind of situation, like slavery, where she
Last Monday, on a quick visit back to the UK, I was on a bus in London. I overheard an older lady chatting to her friend about how many of her friends have passed on already. Referring to a local
Israel like Hosea’s wife would go astray. She would leave the one who loved her and go love others. She would go through a period of embarrassment, humiliation, and emptiness (v.9-13). But this was only a temporary thing. It might
Hosea was called by God to live a life that graphically illustrated the spiritual unfaithfulness of Israel, the consequent chastening on Israel, and the forgiving and restoring grace of God. Hosea’s was to marry an unfaithful woman and his children
As God’s revelation to Daniel about end times drew to a close, he talked about a group of wise people. These people who are wise will shine as the brightness of the sky. They will turn others to righteousness as
Daniel 11 is a detailed account of future events that will take place in and around Israel during the “time of the Gentiles.” The king who arises in the end (v.36-45) appears to be a future king, probably referring to