April 2023 Update
Colombia Trip – At the end of February, Teri and I traveled to Barranquilla, Colombia to attend the VBM Latin America Regional Conference. Twenty-eight missionaries and three interns from seven countries were in attendance. There were many helpful sessions and discussions as well as a good amount of fun and fellowship. Teri and I really enjoyed spending time with the missionaries and were privileged to teach several sessions. Please pray for more laborers for Latin America, and if you’re interested in missions in Latin America, check out www.visionforla.com and sign up for the “Unfinished Conference” on May 13th.
Other Travels – I was originally scheduled to travel to West Africa at the beginning of March, but that trip has been rescheduled to June. Since our last letter, we preached and presented at churches in South Carolina and West Virginia, and we also made a visit to Florida and Alabama to see Teri’s family. In August, I’m excited to be going back to the United Kingdom to visit friends and churches there. Please pray for the trip, and if you’re interested in going with me, let me know as there are a few spaces available.

Training Update – Things are going well at the Our Generation Training Center. One former student on his way to South Africa was ordained at the end of February at our home church. Another couple who are on their internship left for Bolivia. Also, we have had much interest from others in enrolling in the training center or completing a missions internship with us. Thank you for praying!
Building Update – The first remodeling phase of the Carey Center on the new VBM campus is nearly complete. This has been about a $100K project that has taken about five months to complete. We’re excited to have more offices, classrooms, and a brand-new kitchen to serve meals for special events.
April Plans – April is a very busy month at Vision Baptist Missions with our annual leadership retreat, annual missionary orientation, annual benefit golf tournament, quarterly Pastoral Advisory Committee meeting, and quarterly Board of Directors meeting. Please pray for wisdom and strength to coordinate all of these meetings and events.

China Reopened – Before I close out this letter, I’d like to make an appeal for China. After several years of restrictions, China is now open for all pre-pandemic visas including tourist visas. Gospel workers can now go to China with relative ease. Please pray for laborers and get in touch if you’re interested in China.