August 2018 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastors & Praying Friends,
We have had a busy but blessed summer. Two supporting churches sent mission teams to London to help us in July. One team from Harvest Baptist in Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania helped with literature distribution, and another from Gospel Baptist in Greenville, Ohio assisted with a Vacation Bible School (Holiday Bible Club) and Outreach Cookout (BBQ). We had visitors come to the church from these efforts, some of which are still attending. Please pray for God to work in the lives of these new people.
While we were away for our family vacation (holiday), it was very encouraging to have several of the men in our church preach and teach in the services. Also, one of the ladies in our church taught Teri’s Bible study. We are so thankful for the wonderful people that God has brought to our church and how they are growing in their service for the Lord. Please continue to pray as we seek to disciple and equip everyone for ministry. Please also pray for God to raise up men to preach God’s Word here.
Last week, Grant and I helped with the Reach conference in the North of England, where young people from various parts of the United Kingdom came to be trained in evangelism, discipleship, and missions. It was exciting to see that even though it is getting harder and harder to be a dedicated Christian in Britain that many young people are still taking up their cross and following Jesus. Please pray for God to strengthen the faith of British believers to boldly share their faith and to stand for Christ despite the pressure.
Finally, I want to ask you to continue praying for Northwest Baptist Church in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Since the beginning of the year, Pastor James set a goal for the people in the church to increase their involvement and giving so that they would no longer need outside support. Unfortunately, that has not gone as hoped, and so, unless God does a miracle, the church is going to close at the end of this year. James Wilson, the Irish pastor there, is willing to continue on, but in order to do so, he would need for God to provide: 1) a rent-free building, 2) $1500/month support, and 3) new people to help him with the work. Neither one of us feels it would be wise for him to keep on going as he is with very little support. Please pray for the Lord to make all of this clear by the end of November, and, if He does want the work to continue, to provide the building, the monthly support, and people to help him. If these things are not in place by the end of November, then we will continue with closing the church and seeing what other doors God will open. Please pray for wisdom to know and courage to do the Lord’s will.
– Travis & Teri Snode