Back in the UK…And More Excited Than Ever!

On this past Thursday night, we arrived back in Northern Ireland. God blessed our trip. We made it safely and all our bags arrived. We have settled into the house we are renting in Derry/Londonderry for 6 weeks, and we are mostly over the jet lag. We are working to get set up here with our phones, a car, and other various details.
It has been a real blessing to be a part of the services at Northwest Baptist Church. I cannot tell you how exciting it is hear Sam Quinn and James Wilson preach the Word and watch them lead the church. They have done a fantastic job and both men have really grown in their leadership and preaching. I am excited about how God is going to use both of them in the days ahead. To be honest, it is a strange feeling for me, because I am really not that needed at the church, other than in an encouraging and advisory role…but that is what it is really all about!
Teri and the children are absolutely loving being here. They enjoyed our time in American, but to be truthful this is where they feel most at home. It was all I could do to keep them from “kissing the ground” when we landed. I am so thankful for a wife who has such a great attitude about God’s will and plan for us. She is an amazing helpmeet for me.
We have really enjoyed seeing many of our friends here in Northern Ireland, and we look forward to spending time with more of them before we leave. Our lives will be forever changed by the people we have met here. We are so thankful for their love and investment in us.
Over the next few days, we will be working primarily on two things. First, we will be continue to help in whatever capacity needed for the successful transition of leadership at Northwest Baptist Church. Please pray for an important business meeting at Northwest on Sunday, July 21 concerning their new pastor. Second, we are sorting through all of our belongings that are in storage here. We need to downsize quite a bit for our move to London, so we will be selling, giving away, and packing up various furniture and belongings.
Thank you so much for your prayers for us as we have moved back. We look forward to staying in touch. If you have any questions about what is going on, feel free to comment below.