Chile Mission Trip | July 2025

We’re excited to partner with our friends, Jason & Lori Holt, church-planting missionaries to Chile, to take a missions trip to Chile, South America, in July 2025! The Holts have been missionaries since 2001, and through their ministry, 14 churches have been started as well as a Bible college with nearly 75 students serving in various parts of Chile. During the trip, you will see the great spiritual needs in Chilerejoice in the amazing work that God is doing, and serve in outreach and local church ministry.

Trip Details

  • Date: July 14-22, 2025
  • Cost: $1000/person + airfare (approx. $1000)
  • Visas: U.S. citizens do not need a visa to enter Chile for less than 90 days. If you are not a U.S. Citizen, you must apply for a tourist visa (cost not included in price above).
  • Age Limit: No under-18s will be permitted to go on the trip without a parent or guardian.
  • Details: Details about the country, itinerary, and packing information will be forwarded to trip attendees following registration.
  • Group Size: The maximum group size is 20. A minimum of 10 attendees may be required. If the minimum is not reached by April 1st, the trip may be canceled and your deposit refunded.
  • Host Missionaries: Jason & Lori Holt; Tracy Paver
  • Trip Leaders: Travis & Teri Snode

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