December 2022 Update
China – With 1.4 billion people, China is the world’s most populous country. After several years of having no missionaries in China, Vision Baptist Missions is so excited to have a new missionary family leave for China last week! Please pray for this family as they begin ministry there, and pray for more laborers to go to this very needy country. If you or your church are interested in missions in China, please get in touch. We’d love to help you get to China if God is leading you there!

Missions Interns – The last phase of the VBM training program involves six months of practical training on an overseas internship. Currently, six interns are serving in the countries of Mexico, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, and Bolivia, and a further eight young people will be heading off to Nigeria, South Africa, Ecuador, and Bolivia over the next few months. We’re so grateful for the opportunity to invest in these young people and help them as they prepare for ministry. Please pray for God’s direction to become clear through this process and for the Lord to enable many of them to become full-time missionaries.

World Evangelism Fellowship – At the start of November, we hosted the World Evangelism Fellowship with speakers and attendees from various churches and mission organizations. It was a great time of fellowship and encouragement. We were so blessed to have Bro. Walter Stevens, Dr. Charles Keen, and Dr. Jim Roberts as our main speakers. In addition to doing our part for world evangelism, we’re excited to encourage and partner with others who have a passion for the same work.
Our Generation Summit – At the end of the year, we have an annual missions retreat for churches, families, and youth groups at our campus in Dawsonville, Georgia. Set in the north Georgia foothills, Dawsonville is a great location to retreat while being challenged and equipped for world evangelism. We’d love to host you and a group from your church this December 29-31, 2022. Find out more at

Preaching on Missions – Since our last letter, we have enjoyed preaching and giving updates at six different churches in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. It’s always a blessing to renew fellowship and to share what the Lord has done through our partnership together. If you’d like us to come by your church to give an update or to preach on missions, please get in touch via the contact info below.
New Support Address – Finally, for those who partner with us financially, please make a note that all support checks should be now sent to the following address: PO Box 647, Dawsonville, GA 30534. God has blessed Vision Baptist Missions with a new location, and along with this blessing comes a new mailing address.
Thank You – Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support of our ministry!