Installation Service for New Pastor at Northwest Baptist Church

Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions. On the one hand, we were a bit sad because it was our last day at Northwest Baptist Church, the church we started in our living room over seven years ago. In March 2008, we officially organized the church. At the close of the Sunday morning service, they showed a video that brought many good memorizes of our time in Northern Ireland. It was been a real honor to serve the there, and we will never forget the friends we made and the things we learned there.
On the other hand, we were very excited because we were able to pass the baton to a fine man, James Wilson, who is the new pastor of the church. James has been in training for the past several years, and it is obvious that God’s hand is upon him.
During the service, we had an explanation of the pastoral qualifications from Pastor Sam Quinn, an explanation of licensing and word of encouragement from Pastor Austin Gardner, a charge to the candidate from Pastor Lawrence Smyth, and a charge to the church from myself. At the end of the service, we laid hands on James and prayed for him.
It was blessing to have nearly 40 folks in attendance including 8 first-time visitors, several members of James’ family, Pastor Stephen Kennedy and the folks from Liberty Baptist Tabernacle in Limavady, and the faithful folks of Northwest Baptist.
Today, we are on our way to London. We left our house at 4.30am this morning, drove to Belfast, caught the 7am ferry, and should be in London tonight. Please pray for us as we seek to find a house in London to rent this week. Our belongings are due to arrive the middle of next week.