July 2021 Update
Colchester – After just three months, we are now on our third meeting place in Colchester, as the second one, a local theatre that used to be a church, canceled everything on us after one meeting. Thankfully, the Lord has provided an upstairs room that we are currently using and working to rent. Please pray that we can get some stability and momentum with this church over the next few months.
Downham Building – The Lord continues to bless Downham Baptist Church. We’ve been praying for the past few years for the ability to be able to purchase our current building. It is looking very likely that the current landlord of our building may consider selling to us. Please pray about this. We will keep you posted!

Albania Survey Trip – Last month, I went on a survey trip to Albania and some of the surrounding countries with a young couple who just became missionaries to the Balkans. The Balkans is a mountainous region of about 55 million people in southern Europe. There seems to be a great need and great opportunities in this region. Please pray for Benjamin and Patricia Broyles on their way to the Balkans.
Backpacking the Balkans – We have planned a special “Bible Backpacking the Balkans” trip for next June 6-16, 2022. The trip will cover ten Balkan countries: Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Greece. The trip is especially for young men ages 18-25. The goal is to give out gospel literature, see the need, and pray for laborers. If you are a young man open to God’s will, we invite you to come on this trip. Visit bcwe.org/trips for more information.

Family Update – The date of this letter is the 19th wedding anniversary for me and Teri. Also, Darci just had her 14th birthday and Cali will have her 12th birthday in a few days. I am so thankful for my family, for their continued support and tireless work in the ministry. It’s such a blessing to serve the Lord and to see our children serving in various ways in the ministry as they get older. Please continued to pray for Teri, Grant, Darci, and Cali as they serve the Lord.