June 2021 Update
New Church Plant in Colchester – The opening services of the church in Colchester, England went very well with over fifty people attending. Many were friends from other churches, but we have averaged 21 people each Sunday since and have had several visitors over the last six weeks. Please pray for this church plant as there have been many challenges right from the start including having to find a new place to meet. Through it all, the Lord has blessed and we are excited about what God is going to do in this very needy place of over 200,000 people.

Assistant Pastor at Downham – Downham Baptist Church in Southeast London is now about 8 years old. The church continues to mature and take on more responsibility including hiring an assistant pastor to work full-time alongside me there. Please pray for Ricardo Hipolito, his wife Katharina, and their baby Jireh and new baby Hope due any day.
Training People – This month, we started the second term of our Bible Institute. Pastor James Wilson from Derry Baptist Fellowship and I are teaching on Personal Evangelism and Bible Doctrines. The institute is another way to train people for ministry. Missionary Sam Quinn is helping put together plans for us to offer a full Bible college programme for young men who want to be pastors or missionaries. We hope to make this available starting in September 2021.

Survey Trip to Albania – This week, I am travelling to Albania with some of the team from Vision Baptist Missions. We are going with a young couple, Benjamin and Patricia Broyles, who are interested in being missionaries there. Please pray for God to bless our trip, and praise the Lord with me for more labourers coming to help reach Europe for Christ.
A New Church in Miami – On June 20, a VBM missionary to Miami, Florida, Daniel Sparks will start a new church reaching primarily the Hispanic community. Daniel and his family recently moved from Chile for health reasons, so they are also seeking to finalize purchasing a building for a church they started in Chile. Please pray for them and find out more about their ministry here.
Turning 40 – This month, I turned 40 years old! At this milestone, I am so thankful for the Lord’s grace and the privilege to serve the Lord as a missionary for nearly 20 years. Thank you to each of you for your faithful prayers and support of our ministry. We are so grateful for your partnership in the gospel!