May 2022 Prayer Letter
Back in England – Yesterday, our family arrived back in England after a six-week trip to America. The primary purpose of our trip was to represent the region of Europe at a planning retreat for Vision Baptist Missions (VBM) field directors and to teach at the annual orientation for new and furloughed missionaries. We also enjoyed updating and preaching at nine different churches and helping prepare the new Baptist Center for World Evangelism (BCWE) property in Dawsonville, Georgia for occupation by the VBM Home Office. Everyone is welcome to attend an Open House on the BCWE property on Saturday, May 14th from 10-11am. (Address: 77 Hugh Stowers Road, Dawsonville, Georgia, 30534; Details:

Christ Building His Church – While we were away, it was encouraging to hear of God’s blessings on the church in London, with several men helping to preach through a series in the book of Jonah on Wednesday nights. In Colchester, very encouraging things are happening with several new people attending the services, including several children. Christ continues to build His church!
$15,400 for Building Fund – Over the past month, several generous donations have come in for the building fund for Downham Baptist Church including a $10,000 donation from a church in South Carolina and a $5,400 donation from a church in Illinois! Thank you for continuing to pray about this. We now have a total of $36,000 of the $175,000 we are asking God to provide. To participate in this offering, send your donation to Vision Baptist Missions (PO Box 442, Alpharetta, Georgia 30009) with the memo “London Building Fund” or give online.
Plans for May – This month, we are looking forward to a week of prayer and a missions conference at Downham. We also will be working on plans to organize the church in Colchester officially, and we are asking God to provide a pastor for that church. Please pray for all these things.
Family News – Finally, while in America, Grant was able to get his driver’s license! Thanks for continuing to pray for us as a family and especially for our children as they serve the Lord and follow His leading in their lives.