Ministry Update (15/1/14)

- We recently finished our survey of the entire city of London. We began studying the city intensely at the beginning of 2013. From September until December, I spent most of my time focused on researching, surveying, and studying the city. You can download my entire area study here.
- As a result of the survey, we identified over 40 areas in London of over 50,000 people that have no gospel-preaching church. There are great needs all over the city, but these will be the areas that we will be targeting. You can view a google map with those areas highlighted here.
- Though we are not certain of all the specifics, we are planning to move to the Lewisham/Central Greenwich area. We believe that this area is a great area in which to minister. We are praying for open doors for where to start.
- We currently live about 6-7 miles from this area, but those 6-7 miles can take as much as 45 minutes to drive due to traffic. In order to be closer to the area where we want to minister, we are working to find a new house in this area. As you can imagine, Teri is very excited about moving again :-).
- Since we arrived here in London, I have been visiting various churches and preaching as God has given me opportunities. When I was visiting a new church, Teri and the children would often attended a small Baptist church near us in Erith. We would go there as a family when we were not going somewhere else. After the first of the year, we decided to start attending a Baptist church in Lewisham until we get our own ministry going.
- The Chris Waye family has just a few weeks left until they arrive on February 13. We are also working with them to try to find them a house.
- Part of our move involves trying to find schools that the children can attend. There are some very good schools in the area but due to demand they often have no space. Over the past few days, we have toured quite a few to get an idea about what kind of schools they are. We are hoping to start sending the children to school in the autumn.
- The Lord has helped us to narrow down where we plan to minister here in London.
- The Our Generation Summit in Gatlinburg, TN went very well with one of the highest attendances ever and God doing a great work in hearts.
- For God to open doors for the gospel and church-planting in the Lewisham/Central Greenwich area.
- For young men that we can mentor and train for the ministry.
- For Pastor James Wilson and Northwest Baptist Church in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
- For the Chris Waye family as they prepare to come over and help us starting on 13 February 2014. Pray for them as they look for a house and get set up.
- For God’s provision for some unexpected financial needs that have come up recently.
- For labourers to come help us reach the continent of Europe with the gospel.
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