Ministry Update (18/11/13)

- Our car was in the shop most of the week getting some repairs done for the annual MOT check that all cars must go through here in the UK. Because of that, I was not able to get out and travel out to survey new boroughs, but I did some preliminary research for the boroughs of Greenwich, Bexley, and Havering last week.
- I would like to finish surveying all of the boroughs in London by the end of the year, so I need to average about three per week.
- We are very excited because our co-labourers, Chris and Sherry Waye, are going to be coming over sooner than originally planned. They arrive on 13 February. We look forward to working together with them to plant many churches here in the UK. Please pray for all to go well with their visa application and for God to provide the remaining 10% of their support before they leave.
- I am enjoying preparing messages from the book of Mark. I am thinking of preaching through that book as our first series when we plant the church in the spring.
- On Saturday, we enjoyed passing out 500 tracts as a family in the Carlton area of the borough of Greenwich.
- I am praying that by the end of the year we would have a more definite idea of where God would have us plant the church. Please pray for wisdom as we work and plan over these next two months.
- We enjoyed visiting the Science Museum in central London as a family this week. It is a free museum, and has very interesting exhibits especially for children.
- If you are interested in getting training for ministry, church-planting, missionary work, or pastoring, let me encourage you to check out the Our Generation Training Centre.
- The Our Generation Summit in Gatlinburg, TN is coming up soon! Click here to find out more information about this exciting missions-centred retreat for the whole family, church, or youth group on January 1-3, 2014.