Ministry Update – 6 February 2019
Several of the visitors who came to church around Christmastime
We are very grateful for the excellent building that we are privileged to rent, and we took a few days this month to paint and redecorate the back hallways and crèche (nursery) at the church. They are looking much smarter and fresher. We are thankful for the volunteers who helped us with this work.
Our church has completed its first year as a registered charity, and so now we are working through putting together our first annual reports for the charity commission. Also, we are required by law to have a safeguarding policy for young and vulnerable people. Recently we have appointed a lady in our church who is a professional nurse to oversee this aspect of our ministry and she held a training day for all of our children’s workers this month. Please pray for wisdom as we deal with all the legal issues that are required for churches in the United Kingdom.
This month, we were able to contact about 1,000 homes with gospel invitations. Our goal is to reach 13,000 homes in our neighbourhood this year. Please pray for fruit from these evangelistic efforts.
Things are progressing with the building purchase for Northwest Baptist in Derry, Northern Ireland. The papers have been signed and now the lawyers are doing final checks, so we hope to complete by the middle of March and begin renovations straightaway.
Finally, please pray for our young adult meeting which takes places on Friday nights. We are encouraged to have a number of young adults who come each Friday and are growing in their faith.