Snode Ministry Update – Oct 28, 2013

- We had a bit of a slow start to the week dealing with Darci getting a tooth pulled and some sickness. Thankfully, we are all feeling better now.
- Tuesday, I showed the sights of London to Pastor Bill Miller and some young men from Chinook Baptist Church in Washington State. They were here for a nine hour layover and wanted to see around the city. It was nice to fellowship with them and help them on their journey to Africa. They also brought us some Little Debbies and Ranch dip packets!
- I spent quite a few hours this week dealing with some serious computer problems. The problems turned out to not be too serious, and I nearly have my computer back up and running.
- Thursday, we went as a family to the town of Barking and passed out gospel tracts. We were able to pass out about 500 in an hour, and roughly 2 out of 5 people took the literature when it was offered to them. I also had a good conversation with a devout Muslim man.
- The Lord allowed me to put together some new messages this week from the book of Mark.
- I am about halfway through a 600-page book called This Sceptred Isle by Christopher Lee. The book is an interesting look at Britishness through the lens of 2000 years of British history. Pray for strength to finish because I am not the fastest reader in the world. 🙂
- Saturday night, our clocks went back 1 hour, so sunset here is now at about 4.30pm.
- Sunday morning, we attend a church a few miles from here that is meeting in a community centre. They have been there for 20 years trying to reach that community. They have guest preachers in every week because they do not have a pastor.
- Sunday night, we attended Chiswick Baptist Church in the Borough of Hammersmith. t was nice to spend some time with Pastor Steve Messersmith and his family.
- Last night the southern part of England was hit with one it’s worst storms in five years. Though other parts of the country were hit worst, we only got strong wind and rain. (Interestingly, the weather in Northern Ireland was like this supposedly bad weather on a regular basis!)
- Here is a link to a report about my recent survey of the Borough of Islington.