Snode Ministry Update – Oct 7, 2013
Here is a brief update from our week:
- We are still in the process of setting up our house. This past Tuesday, we went to IKEA. If you have never been to an IKEA, it is an incredible experience that is part warehouse, part open house, part restaurant, and part labryinth
- I met up with Tarl Reeves, a church-planter in London, on Wednesday for coffee, and then went to Camden to survey Camden Town and Kentish Town on foot. They are incredible areas with many students there from all over the world. Camden Markets are a number of adjoining retail stalls selling, crafts, clothing, bric-a-brac, and fast food. Apparently, it is the fourth-most popular visitor attraction in London, attracting approximately 100,000 people each weekend.
- Thursday, we drove out to Brimpton to visit with our friends, Martin and Carrie Wickens at Brimpton Baptist Church. It was great to fellowship with them again.
- Friday, I had a dentist appointment, followed by a 6 hour trip with Grant across the city to Wembley to pick up a new sofa from IKEA over there. Needless to say, I will try never to do that on a Friday afternoon again!
- Saturday, I worked on a new evangelistic website and some gospel literature that we are hoping to print and pass out as we witness here.
- Sunday, we visited a church in Ilford that turned out to be quite Charismatic and then a good Bible-preaching church in Bromley.
Here is survey that I put together on the Borough of Ealing. Ealing is another very needy borough with very few Bible-believing, Bible-preaching churches. It is the third largest borough in the city with nearly 340,000 people. We have identified four potential areas in the borough where churches could be planted.
[button link=”” style=”download”]Report on Borough of Ealing[/button]