Travis Snode Prayer Letter – April 1, 2015
Dear Pastors & Praying Friends,
On March 14-15, we had special services to dedicate our new building to God. It was good to thank God for the blessing of a building to use for His glory and to have people from several other churches there to support and encourage us.
All of the funds for the new church plant have been provided! We would like to thank those who gave special offerings to help last month! We are so blessed to have so many faithful and generous supporters. As a result of the special gifts, we have been able to: 1) get a new sign for the church, 2) print special literature and invites for Easter, 3) install a CCTV system for security and for the ladies in the nursery, 4) print other literature for the church, and 5) put in a new sound/video system.
The Lord has given us opportunities to witness and do discipleship with several people. We are also trying to make sure that all those who come regularly to the church have been through the discipleship course so they can help us disciple others.
We have many plans for the future to reach out into our community. Please pray for our Easter services on April 5, our World Outreach Conference on May 1-3, Curry and Quiz Night on May 24, Community Cookout on June 10, and several festivals where we hope to meet people and give out gospel literature.
Please continue to pray for the support for Pastor James Wilson. He is faithfully pastoring and working part-time at Northwest. We would like to raise $800/month temporary support for him for the next three years, so he can go full-time and really focus on building the church up. You can find out more info at
Thank you so much, and may God richly bless you all.
– Travis & Teri Snode