Trip to Scotland and England
Early Thursday morning, Chris and Sherry Waye, Sam Quinn, and I left on a whirlwind tour of Scotland and England. Below is a rough itinerary of our trip:
1:00 AM – Leave Derry
2:30 AM – Arrive Belfast Port
3:30 AM – Leave Belfast on Ferry
6:30 AM – Arrive Stranraer, Scotland by Ferry and drive to Glasgow
9:30 AM – Arrive Glasgow after three hours driving
- In Glasgow, we walked around, took photos, and visited a few of the religious and historical sights, including the Necropolis in Glasgow where many famous people are buried including John Knox.
- The Necropolis overlooks the city and caused one to call Glasgow the city of the dead.
- There are a few independent Baptist churches in the city, but no doubt many more are need to reach the 2.3 people who live in the great area around Glasgow. Glasgow is the third largest city in the UK.

12:30 PM – Leave Glasgow
1:30 PM – Arrive Stirling and view the William Wallace Memorial
2:00 PM – Eat lunch with a young lady named Faye from Scotland who recently was saved while in Peru
4:00 PM – Leave for Edinburg and drive around Edinburg, the second largest city in Scotland, with 477,000 people.
10:30 PM – Arrive in Liverpool, England
10:00 AM – Meet Jodie at Hope University in Liverpool, another young lady who was saved while in Peru
1:00 PM – Leave Liverpool and drive 3 hours to London
4:00 PM – Arrive London and go view the Tower of London, Spurgeon’s Tabernacle, The Houses of Parliment and Big Ben, Harrods, and the Tube
10:00 PM – Meet with Bro. John Anderson, church planter in London, to hear about the need in London and some ideas about ministry
12:00 AM – Begin a 7.5 hour drive all night up to Stranraer, Scotland
7:30 AM – Arrive Stranraer, Scotland
9:30 AM – Leave on Ferry for Belfast
12:30 PM – Arrive Belfast
2:00 PM – Should Arrive Derry
As you can see, it was a pretty wild trip. We drove over 1200 miles, travelled for nearly 38 hours in 56 hours by car, boat, and train, and toured nearly the length of Britain. God really guided and protected us. He stirred up our hearts once again for the need here. Pray for men to come and plant churches in the major cities in the UK and Ireland: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin, etc!
Read about the travels of other missionaries at